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this lens' photoStress Control

What is stress? We know it simply as a mentally or emotionally troublesome or worrying influence. This word seems to make all us sick. And we blame everything on it. If you get a headache at work, it's stress. If you get invoved in afight with one of your classmate or coworker, it's stress. If you feel so furious that you speed up on the street, it must be because of stress. As a society, we blame stress on everyone and everything except ourselves. And the fact is: the only person responsible for your stress is you. Stress is something we create ourselves. Meaning you will not be in stress if you don't let yourself be. The good news is there are easy and affective ways to control the stress in your life. What are they? 

A laughter's the best medicine

Have a sense of humor. If this means keeping the latest " Far Side" calendar on your desk, then do it. Laugh some more. If you can find humor in a bad situation then the situation is on its way to being resolved. Whenever you're faced with a problem or a defficult situation, try to find humor in it. Laughter will actually help you distance yourself from the problem and put the situation in perspective. If you succeed in doing just that, you will be free of stress

Take it easy

Take it easy when someone doesn't do things your way, think of "their" way as anew and different way to solve the problem. Celebrate his or her differents as just thibk how bored you would be if everyone did everything the same way. Appreciate what they have done. Who knows you will find something you didn't realize before.

Be a nice guy

There is no better way to reduce your own stress then by helping or doing something nice for someone else. Sounds unresonable,doesn't it? But it really is one of the best ways to avoid stess. Because stress is usually due to the fact that you just think about yourself and star helping other. Guaranteed, you will get out of your stress once you try to take a good care of others who might be in really need of your help. If you don't have the time to volunteer your services at a local hospital or shelter, then just do something nice for someone at the office or classroom. You'll be surprised at how fast your own problems seem to disappear or at least seem a bit less significant. If you are an ace at mathematics and the person stuck with doing the homework is not, help him out. It will make him happy and make you feel a lot better.Remember, it's happiness if you can make others happy!


A litle bit of organization goes a long way in the battle to reduce stress. Get up earlier so you're not rushing around to get to school or the office. Arrange your day so you have an extra ten minutes before starting your daily activities. Make a daily schedule for your work projects and try to stick to it. Delegate tasks. Pace yourself. Leave your ego at home. Talk less and listen more. Clear off your desk at the end of each day so when you come in the next morning, you will have a fresh start. Organize, organize!

Just do it!

exercise is a great stress reducer so try to take time out of your day to do some exercise. This can simply mean talking a 10 minute walk during your launch hour. And, while you're at it take the time to eat right. Or, it can be a real exercise that will take you an hour or more twice or three times a week. The more disciplined you do exercise, the less stress you will suffer from.

Be thankful

Try to take a minute out of every day to think of one thing that you are grateful for. You'll be surprised of all the things you'll come up with and how these things will help reduce whatever stress you may be experiencing. Don't always look up on someone richer, smarter and handsomer/more beautiful than you. Try to find that there are many unfortunates around you. Homeless people; blue collar workers who have to work after school. Contrasting to them, you and your life might be away better off. You might not be a king of the world, but you can be happy and greateful for your very life. It's the sure fire way to reduce stress.

Be religious

However bad the situation you are in, there is God. So, just let Him do whatever good to you by trying to do your best without complaining. Before and after doing just that, pray. There is no other way than praying. The more religious you are, the better you will be in taking care of your stress.

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