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How to Stop School Bullying

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It is a good thing for you to be aware of a social problem like bullying. You might have heard or seen on TV that there are students who get threatened, kicked, hit, or made to do thinks by a group of other students. You might actually have experienced it yourself. Hopefully, with the answers given here you can educate yourself and others about this matter.

Bullying by Wikipedia

Wikipedia defines bullying as abusive treatment, the use of force or intimidation to affect others. It is an act of repeated aggresive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. A bully, a person who behaves this way, does it to be popular or to get attention. Bullying can be grouped into three categories:


Kinds of Bullying

  1. Emotional bullying:
    It happens when a bully makes his/her target feel isolated by excluding the target from social activities, by spreading negative rumors about the victim, talking behind the victim's back, etc.
  2. Verbal bullying:
    In this type, a bully uses language to degrade his/her victims. Verbal bullying includes calling names, teasing, silent treatment, etc.
  3. Physical bullying:
    This is the most common type of bullying. It occurs when a bully uses bodily contact with the victims. It includes shoving and poking, slapping, pinching, pulling hair, etc. 

How to prevent bullying?

Bullying is a seriuos matter and should be dealt with immediately. It can make the victims feel isolated and hurt, both mentally and physically. There are certain ways to prevent it from happening.
  1. Tryto be cool.
    Bullies choose targets by testing their reactions. If they call you names, don't give them the satisfaction of looking hurt. It will brand you as their victims. Walk away with confidence to show that you are a better person than they are and can't be targeted as their victim.
  2. Establish strong friendships.
    Bullies tend to choose lonely kids. Make friends with as many kids at school as possible. You can start by involving yourself in social activities at school or finding kids who share the same interests as you.
  3. Know when to say 'enough'.
    Sometimes bullies can't be stopped by only walking away. You need to stand up for yourself. Learn to give sharp answers and defend yourself if they advance into physical bullying.
  4. Tell your parents or teachers.
    When you yhink bullies have crossed the line, you must tell your parents or teachers. It doesn't mean you have turned into a wimp or a snitch. Sometimes you just can't solve the problems by yourself.
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